
The Treatment for Relive Muscle Cramping after Dialysis

The Treatment for Relive Muscle Cramping after Dialysis 

There is some information that can help me with cramps after you are done with dialysis? Muscle cramps that may involve the legs, hands and feet are common in patients diálisis.Se It is reported that about 33% ~ 86 % of dialysis patients have this symptom, so invite nephrologists Kidney Disease Hospital Shijiazhuang introduce more about this symptom.

These nephrologists said muscle cramps can be so painful that patients can barely move after diálisis.Para these patients, there are several factors that can cause cramping directly.

Low blood pressure, a common complication of dialysis, is also the leading cause of cramps musculares.Si patients drink extra fluids for two dialysis treatments and excess fluid is drained in a dialysis treatment, low blood pressure fácilmente.La onset of hypotension occurs often accompanied by cramps, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting and headache.

Low sodium, increased ultrafiltration and low levels of parathyroid hormone can also be the cause of muscle cramps.

After the introduction of the causes of cramps in dialysis patients, nephrologists give the following treatment options to help relieve this discomfort.

1.Controlar fluid intake during dialysis sessions: According to the patients illness condition, the doctor at the dialysis center can determine the dry weight gain for patients and insurance fluid diálisis.Luego for two sessions, the Patients should follow the requirements of their doctors to take in the liquid.

2. Adjust dialyzer dialysate and timely: If patients have some discomfort during the dialysis treatment, should inform their doctor or nurse immediately to change its renal replacement therapy in the best condition.

3. Use massage or hot compression: Both of these treatments can effectively relieve cramps in dialysis patients, but should be done with the guidance of medical professionals.

In addition to these direct methods, doctors at Hospital Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease also recommend these renal patients to improve kidney function and overall health through effective treatment, if they have opportunity.



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