
Alternative Treatment to lower creatinine 6.1 without Dialysis

Alternative Treatment to lower creatinine 6.1 without Dialysis 


Creatinine level is an important indicator of kidney problem and kidney functions in blood test rutina.Creatinina 6.1 is quite high compared to the normal range of creatinine (0.5-1.2) .The creatinine level of 6.1 is a core value for start Habera of diálisis.Algunos I started dialysis patients, while other patients do not need to start dialysis.

Creatinine is not the only factor that determines the beginning of diálisis.En reality, the true feelings of the patient should be taken into cuenta.Si patients have severe symptoms and discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, edema, high blood pressure, electrolyte disorders not can be controlled with medicine, can be necesaria.Si dialysis patients have no obvious discomfort, dialysis may be delayed even when his creatinine is greater than 6.1.

Dialysis does help patients with high creatinine have immediate recovery, but the curative effect may not last long, and patients must have regular dialysis for several times a week because creatinine will be produced at a relatively constant always speed and when there is not much change in muscle mass of paciente.Lo's more, the condition will become more and more common high creatinine can not be reduced after dialysis with the continuing deterioration of conditions of disease and loss of kidney function over.

This is because dialysis is just a machine that helps replace the lost functions of the kidneys dañados.Condiciones disease continue to become worse and in the end can not help dialysis mucho.Lo's more, long-term dialysis can cause number of side effects and therefore complicaciones.Por almost all dialysis patients want to know other treatment options that can help reduce high creatinine levels and get rid of dialysis.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy holds high hopes for these pacientes.Ha been shown to help improve urine output in patients with diálisis.Esto means that kidney functions are mejorando.Alta creatinine 6.1 can be gradually lowered, kidney functions can be gradually improved the frequency of dialysis can be gradually reduced and for some dialysis patients may even get rid of it.

Whether alternative mentioned above to lower creatinine 6.1 to avoid dialysis option If you are interested in our articles, is necessary to pay attention to us please! We have articles on various diseases of kidneys, including causes, symptoms, treatments, diets and gyms available the entire información¡Si you have any problem, you can consult our experts online,kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com  us or leave message below!



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