
Stem Cell Therapy for Renal Dialysis Patients

Stem Cell Therapy for Renal Dialysis Patients

No kidney dialysis is required unless renal failure patients progressed under terminal.Porque is not easy to live, some patients try to find an alternative therapy. Stem cell therapy is used in some countries to help patients stop dialysis.


Stem cell therapy is a treatment using cells having differentiation ability to replace damaged or necrotic cells in the cuerpo.Las stem cells have self-renewal and pluripotency property. In certain environment, these cells can differentiate into certain cell functioning. Now, this therapy has been applied in various fields.

Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease

When harmful substances attack the kidneys and body can'to deal with these substances efficiently, they will cause kidney damage fácilmente.Como the tissues and damaged kidney function, kidney function of patients gradually decreases. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) divided chronic kidney disease in 5 General etapas.En, patients should not start dialysis unless your kidney disease has worsened in terminal phase.

Dialysis can replace damaged kidneys to filter blood and prolong the life expectancy of patients, but is unable to be as effective as the kidneys normales.Por Therefore, patients on dialysis longer, more side effects and complications they may have. Worse, patients can die from complications of dialysis.

Stem cell therapy for dialysis patients

When the kidneys are damaged, the damaged kidney cells release cytokines. When stem cells are injected into the body, these cells can find the kidney altered directly targeting these citoquinas.Entonces, will differentiate into these damaged kidney cells. When these new cells begin to replace the damaged kidney cells to work, the renal function of patients and level of GFR will increase successfully and kidney damage obviamente.Mientras end invested in state of patients, patients can say goodbye to dialysis safely.

No doubt therapy, stem cells offers a new treatment option for patients with impaired mark renal.Si you are interested about this therapy, leave a message below. The doctors here will help in detail for free.



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