
Chinese Treatments Help patients with creatinine level 8.9 Get rid of Dialysis

Chinese Treatments Help patients with creatinine level 8.9 Get rid of Dialysis


Overall, the creatinine level of 8.9 means that the renal function of patients has been severely damaged and some patients undergo diálisis.Pero no body wants to live in function of a machine, however, it is not a thing easy to get rid of diálisis.Por example, dialysis has only a high rate of clearance in micromolecule, such as creatinine, urea and BUN. For toxic macromolecular substances, there is nothing to do with it.

Thus, patients are looking for other therapies for dialysis take place all the time. Through years of research and practice, our hospital has developed a natural way to treat kidney disease based on traditional medicine china.Mientras the damaged kidney is repaired, the high creatinine level can also be lowered to normal. And this therapy is immunotherapy.

This innovative therapy is divided into six stages, which are the immune diagnosis, immune clearance, immune blocking, immune tolerance, immune regulation and protection inmunológica.Cada step has its unique function. During this treatment, we can use our unique natural treatments, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, cycle therapy, therapy medicated bath, foot bath therapy and so on.Therefore one hand, bloke can further damage the kidney tissue and innate cells by mediators inflamación.Por other hand, can eliminate pathogenic immune element in the kidney and blood toxin. Finally, it can repair damaged cells and tissues and restore the inherent immune system of the human body.

With the improvement of renal function, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) can be improved and the high level of creatinine is excreted orina.Así you can get rid of dialysis and stay away from her. In conclusion, the Chinese treatments help patients with creatinine levels of 8.9 diálisis.Si rid of you are interested in our Chinese treatments, please contact us directly online or send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com , and we will reply as soon as possible.



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