
How long can you live on dialysis with diabetes

How long can you live on dialysis with diabetes

Kidney patients usually do not begin dialysis unless your level of kidney function is quite baja.La Diabetes is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease, as it can also be a complication of the disease patients renal.Si Dialysis also have diabetes, how long can they live?

Due to poor eating habits and lifestyle or hereditary disorder, the incidence rate of diabetes, type 1 or type 2, is quite alto.Si kidney disease is caused by diabetes, nephropathy call diabética.A In turn, kidney disease can also increase the risk of diabetes.Por example, a number of patients with kidney disease suggest taking steroids, while high blood sugar is just a common side effect of steroids or immunosuppressants.

Very often, renal failure caused by diabetic nephropathy is more serious than that caused by other types of kidney disorders, for diabetic kidney disease is more likely to induce more dangerous complications such as cardiovascular disease and heart failure, who are leading causes of death in patients with renal insufficiency crónica.De Thus, patients whose kidney failure due to diabetes usually need to start dialysis earlier, in order to prolong its lifespan.

Overall, the average life expectancy for dialysis patients is about 5 ~ 10 years, but this can be shortened for patients with nephropathy diabética.Por course, the exact life expectancy should depend on detailed condition of the patients disease.

How to extend the life expectancy of these patients? The negotiations must begin to make changes in the right diet, the development of a healthy lifestyle, timely management of diabetic complications, and gentle exercise with regularidad.Todos these methods can help improve the quality of life of patients and make them easier to live with dialysis.

If patients still have some kidney function, they had better take some therapies that can improve its function renal.Si fortunately enough, patients can even get rid of dialysis.



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