
Dialysis is the best way to treat kidney failure

Dialysis is the best way to treat kidney failure


Dialysis is a life support treatment for patients with renal insufficiency. If kidney dialysis is the best way to treat kidney failure, anyone hacerlo.Sin however, refuse the fact is that no one wants to start dialysis, if you still have other treatment options.

Dialysis for kidney failure

Dialysis is a method of purification of blood using a special machine to remove excess liquid, harmful wastes, and salt from the blood of dialysis pacientes.La can help keep patients with renal insufficiency hope of life, and the average dialysis patients life expectancy is usually above 5 years.However, most patients feel ill or sick after the first week, because of routine life restricted. Worse, the long-term dialysis can cause some serious complications as to threaten the patient's life.

Patients with renal failure have a better treatment option

Yes fortunate. Currently, several alternative therapies have been used to replace dialysis and doctors help patients to choose a better deal with their condition enfermedad.Si you want to know what the next on the list is right for you, you can send kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com
/p>test report, so you can invite professionals to help nephrologists.

1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: This therapy is recommended when patients still have urine output and renal function level remains above 5% By filling supply enough blood and oxygen Nutritional intrinsic renal cell the increase in these cells self-healing system, this therapy can actually help improve patients' level of kidney function and avoid dialysis.

2. Light Therapy Blood Pollution: The first step of this therapy is to clean the blood of patients repeatedly so that normal blood circulation can support the restoration of impaired kidney cells. Then, some Chinese medicines are needed with the effects of nourishing kidneys.

3. Stem Cell Therapy: Can be used when the renal function of patients is less than 5%, because stem cells can differentiate into new renal cell and replace the damaged kidney cells. This can be accomplished to rebuild the kidney structure and avoid dialysis successfully.



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