
Can patient with High Creatinine and BUN 7140 Live without Dialysis

Can patient with High Creatinine and BUN 7140 Live without Dialysis 


Dialysis is a lifesaving method for people with renal.Si failure patients are accustomed to good, to live a life of high calidad.Sin embargo.los patients often affiliated to a number of inconveniences and complicaciones.Por Therefore, some Patients may choose not start diálisis.¿Puede a person living with creatinine 7 and 140 non-dialysis BUN?

The good news is that if aggressive treatment is approved diálisis.Hay patients do not need many successful cases in which patients avoid and even get rid of diálisis.Usted can consult with our doctor online to get some successful experiences of treatment here.

Healthy kidneys can filter waste including creatinine and urea nitrogen cuerpo.En usually appropriate conditions, creatinine remains at a constant level of 0.6 ~ 1.3 and BUN level in 8 ~ 20.For the powerful compensatory kidney, levels creatinine and BUN not increase until renal function is reduced to mitad.Los creatinine levels 7 and BUN 140 are several times higher than the normal range, which implies very grave.Altos kidney damage toxin levels in blood can lead to a number of complications such as fatigue, heart disease, respiratory problems etc, some of them can be potentially mortales.Diálisis remove these toxins can body to reduce the risk of developing these complications.

The combined treatment of blood purification and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for patients with creatinine 7 and BUN blood 140.Purificación can eliminate all toxins from blood to create a favorable environment for repairing damaged kidney tissues. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can stimulate regeneration of damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney function significativamente.De Thus, patients with creatinine BUN 7 and 140 will be able to live a normal life without dialysis.



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