
How long can patients live with end-stage renal failure without dialysis

How long can patients live with end-stage renal failure without dialysis


How long can patients live with end-stage renal failure without dialysis? We all understand much and wrote this article to help you see your disease more claridad.Esperamos that may be useful for you. If you have any questions, please send them to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com 

Why it dialysis usually recommended for patients with end stage renal failure?

Kidney plays an irreplaceable role in our body because it is responsible for the generation of urine, the performance of the metabolites, regulation of water electrolyte balance and acid-base on our cuerpo.Pero, patients with terminal stage Renal failure due to severely damaged kidney, many metabolites and toxins can not be removed and accumulate in the blood and the body, which is so dangerous for patients because it not only can aggravate the disease condition, but can also cause many graves.Mientras complications that dialysis is the artificial process of removing waste and excess water from the blood, which can refer pain of patients in a short period of time and keep the patient's life.

How long can patients live with end-stage renal failure without dialysis?

In fact, the life of patients is different because it is affected by many factors, such as treatment, serious complications, the physical, lifestyle, and so the daily diet is also a reason sucesivamente.Esa important why is difficult to ensure that their life expectancy without dialysis.

In fact, there are many treatment options for you. Although end-stage renal failure without is difficult to cure, this does not mean you can not live tiempo.Usted can try some new natural, such as hot compress therapy, immunotherapy, blood purification treatments and so on . We promise that we can extend their life and improve their quality of life.

In short, they do not refer to the time patients can live with end-stage renal failure without dialysis, because except for dialysis, there are some alternative treatments that can prolong your life useful.If you have questions or interested our therapy please leave a message on bass! My best wishes!



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