
Is Dialysis Needed for Patients with Stage 3 CKD

Is Dialysis Needed for Patients with Stage 3 CKD 

Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 3 is the moderate stage of the disease renal.En this condition, most patients begin to suffer from some symptoms and have complicaciones.Deberían dialysis CKD Stage 3?

Generally, the kidneys may still work for themselves, if your kidney function is more than 15% .For course with the decreased level of kidney function, inevitably experience more and more complications such as hypertension, proteinuria, hematuria, sucesivamente.Afortunadamente fatigue and thus, most of them do not endanger the lives of patients with rapid steps.

Dialysis, also called artificial kidney, is used to replace damaged to clean your blood, filtering excess fluid and small molecular waste, and regulate the pressure arterial.De thus kidneys, it is also honored as salvage therapy for patients with kidney failure.

In Stage 3, the kidneys are functioning at 30% ~ 59% .In this case, although the kidneys can not filter the blood to perfection, they are able to maintain basic life pacientes.Así, most patients do not need to start diálisis.Sin This does not mean that all patients with stage 3 kidney disease can not accept dialysis.

Besides level of kidney function, many other factors also determine the time of start of dialysis. For instance:

-level Dangerously high potassium can not be controlled by medications

-Oliguria, Anuria or severe swelling

-The Chronic renal failure with acute heart failure, pulmonary edema and cerebral edema

-High Blood pressure can not be lowered by medications

-The Metabolic acidosis can not be normalized drug

-Brácteas Concurrent inflammation of the heart, gastrointestinal bleeding and CNS symptoms

If patients with stage 3 CKD have one of the above problems can be suggested to begin diálisis.Cuando dangerous complications and symptoms are under control, they can get rid of diálisis.Luego, should take some therapies that can reverse the kidney damage.



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