
Treatment for PKD Patients with Blood in Urine and High Creatinine Level

Once you appear blood in your urine. It can indicate you are in a serious stage.In advance your creatinine level will also be rasied. Do you want to shrink the cyst use a natural way? And remove the blood in urine? Read the following content to know the cause and treatment for PKD patients with high creatinine level.
people with PKD can have blood in their urine from time to time, unless accompanied with pain and/or fever it is nothing serious. it can be caused by a ruptured cyst.
please stop worrying, it accomplishes nothing and robs you of so much. don't assume the worst (bladder tumor). its probably a ruptured cyst and it may happen from time to time.
sometimes they are accompanied by pain, sometimes by blood in urine, often they may happen unnoticed.

Treatment for PKD with high blood in urine

High blood pressure medication—Since high blood pressure is common with PKD, medications are often prescribed to control blood pressure.
Pain medication—Pain medications must be used cautiously, since some of them can cause damage to the kidneys.
Antibiotics—In the event of a urinary tract infection, treatment with antibiotics is needed to avoid damage to the kidneys.
Surgery—Cysts may be drained through surgery to relieve pain, blockage, infection, or bleeding. Cyst drainage may also temporarily lower blood pressure. Sometimes, one or both kidneys may be removed if pain is severe. This procedure is called nephrectomy.
Diet—A low-protein diet may reduce stress on the kidney. Avoiding salt can help keep normal blood pressure. Drinking plenty of water can also help reduce the risk of kidney stones.
But surgery can only clear the big cyst. But once the big cyst appeared. The small cyst will grow more quickly than before. So the symptoms can not disappear permanently.
We mainly use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to shrink the cyst. Your disease condition will not become worsen. And Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy have no side-effect.

If you want to know the detailed information about our therapy. Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. And in other hand any questions about kidney disease is be welcomed.



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