
Diet suggestion for Diabetic Nephropathy with high creatinine 3.4 prevent kidney failure

Diabetic Nephropathy is caused by the long term of diabetes. And we need to pay more attention to care Diabetic Nephropathy patients prevent kidney failure.

When the kidneys function at 15% or less, this is called kidney failure or end stage renal disease (ESRD). When your kidneys fail, harmful wastes build up in your body. When this happens, you will need to pay more time and money to  treatment your disease.

And in other hand creatinine 3.4 can show a moderate kidney damage.

So how to treat Diabetic Nephropathy prevent kidney failure and lower high creatinine 3.4

1. Adjust your diet
Diabetic nephropathy patients should strictly limit diet. They are suggested to eat low-salt diet to relieve swelling and high blood pressure. If there is kidney dysfunction, you had better limit the salt intake to 2g per day. Maybe it is tasteless for your diet. But for good of your health, follow this advice. Low-protein diet benefits a lot to those with diabetic nephropathy. It is good to reduce proteinuria and reduce the burden of kidneys.
2. Well control blood pressure

3. Prevent infection

4. Control sugar metabolic disorder
High level of sugar in blood will increase the damage of capillary basement membrane. So the permeability will be increased and as a consequence, the protein will be leaked out. So controlling high blood sugar is the premise of preventing diabetic nephropathy progressing into kidney failure.

5、Suitable Treatment 

There I suggest you Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This therapy is no side effects and can take effect quickly than the other treatment.

If you want to know more about our therapy. Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.And you can also contact me if you have any doubt about your disease.



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