
Forbidden food for Polycystic Kidney Disease Patients

For PKD patients they should care the diet in daily life. Because there are some food can stimulate the growth of kidney cyst and than make the symptoms more obvious. This article will give you some food suggestion for PKD patients.

Salty and fatty foods

Coffee, chocolate and caffeine-containing foods and drinks
It is recommended that PKD patients should drink more water to help increase urine output and wash more wastes from the kidneys and the body. Caffeine on the other hand can easily cause dehydration and worsen high creatinine and high BUN. What is worse, caffeine can stimulate the proliferation of cyst cells and promote the secretion of cyst fluid so as to cause the cysts to grow more rapidly than the normal progression.
Added sugars
Foods that contain rich added sugars usually contain few nutritions. Eating too much added sugars can cause weight gain and increase blood pressure and blood triglycerides and increase the risk of heart problems. Therefor high-sugar foods such as candy, syrup, jelly, soft drinks should be avoided or limited.

Besides, polluted foods, animal offals, sea foods, spicy and stimulating foods, alcohol and tobacco should all be avoided for PKD patients.

Treatment for PKD patients  

We mainly use Chinese Medicine to treat PKD. And in other hand we will use Western Medicint to as a auxiliary treatment. And had get some effect in the treatment of PKD.

If you want to know our detailed treatment. Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.  And any other questions is also welcomed.                       



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