
For IgA Nephropathy Patients How to Prevent Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic Syndrome is a collections of the common symptoms. Many disease can cause Nephrotic Syndrome like IgA Nephropathy. So for IgA Nephropathy patients how to prevent Nephrotic Syndrome?

1.Moderate exercises. Some mild exercises such as walking, tai chi are conducive for the recovery.
2. Avoid too much exposure to sunlight. Nephrotic Syndrome patients have lowered immunity and the harmful rays in the sunlight will easily cause scytitis and worsen the illness condition.
3.Have good and adequate rest. Poor quality sleep will further lower the immunity, therefore patients should have good rest. Avoid catching cold while sleeping.

4.Practice good hygiene.

And the timely treatment is also essential for IgA Nephropathy patients.

IgA Nephropathy treatment 

A whole treatment of IgA Nephropathy patients should include:
Degrading immune complex. IgA Nephropathy mainly results from the damage to glomeruli induced by the deposits of IgA immune complex. If the therapy you choose can eliminate or degrade these immune complexes, you begin a very start to stop the continuous damage to kidney.
Anti-inflammation. Without a successful control, inflammatory responses spread widely in kidney, which will aggravate the proliferation of mesangial cells, thus burdening the damaged kidney. Anti-inflammatory therapy is used to restrain the spreads of inflammation in glomeruli and prevent renal damage enlarging.
Dilating blood vessels. Dilating blood vessels aims to remedy the condition of Ischemia and Anemia in renal blood vessels. With insufficient blood and oxygen, microthrombus will appear and eventually lead to renal fibrosis. If your therapy can dilate blood vessels, your blood will flow freely. With enough blood and oxygen, renal fibrosis can be blocked, thus provides a helpful environment for the repair of damaged glomerular function and structure.

Immunotherapy can achieved the step above.

Do you want to know more about Immunotherapy. Send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. If you still have any doubt about your disease can also contact me.



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