
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat Kidney Failure Naturally

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of a featured therapy in China to treat Kidney Disease. The following content will tell you how Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney failure.

he treatment for your condition is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy (I have told you before)and our special Hot compress therapy (Below is the details of hot compress therapy). As I told you your kidney damage was caused by the anoxia and ischemic injure. So we must cleansing toxin, increase hemoperfusion of the kidneys and repair the damaged kidney cells.

Hot compress therapy (Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmothrapy):

Cleansing toxin——cleansing toxic pathogenic factors in kidney
Hot compress on bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23) is to micro-process medicinals that eliminate toxins and recover original qi, and apply them on Shenshu acupoints (BL23) externally. In such a way, the aim of cleansing toxin can be attained, with pathogenic toxin removed and original qi restored.
Act on bladder meridian of foot-taiyang with hot compress on bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23), use internal and external functions of bladder meridian of foot-taiyang and kidney meridian of foot- shaoyin, enter kidney along meridians, eliminate toxic pathogenic factors in kidney.
Shenshu acupoint (BL23) is the acupoint on which damp-heat and cold-dampness qi enter into bladder meridian and discharge externally. Therefore, hot compress is performed on this acupoint.
Short-term effects:
Increased urine volume; reduced urine at night; yellowish urine; strong odor of urine; flocculent precipitates, etc
Early recovery of kidney (increased urine creatinine);reduced urine at night; improved blood stasis
no poisoning symptoms all over the body: relieved and skin itch; no ammonia tastes in the mouth; improved symptoms in digestive tract; increased appetite; recovery of electrolyte disorder; stable blood pressure; improved disorder in blood; improved anemia.

If you want to know the detailed treatment for PKD. Can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. I will reply you in 24 hours.



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