
How to Reverse Kidney Failure by Natural Herbs

Do you suffer from chronic kidney disease? Kidney disease or renal failure can be caused by several factors which include: long usage of over-the-counter drugs, exposure to environmental toxins and pesticides or other diseases and illnesses.
Thankfully, there are a lot of natural treatments to help in the healing and reversing of kidney disease.


You can include certain foods in your diet to assist in building your kidneys. These include: cucumber, adzuki beans, fish, sprouts, seeds, bananas, vegetables, watermelon, and parsley.

Herbal medicine

Taking herbs improves your kidneys since the herbs assist in the regeneration and detoxification of the kidney cells. Some main kidney healers are: nettle leaf, parsley, marshmallow, and horsetail.

Ensure you take the herbs after consulting your doctor or naturopath particularly if you are taking prescription drugs.

You can check with your Ayurvedic practitioner to know the best remedy for yourself.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for years and is considered as effective by most people as it helps in breaking down kidney stones.

Certainly, any substance that dissolves pearls can disintegrate the calculi caused by calcium inside kidneys.

Also, the substance has a diuretic effect which assists in flushing kidneys out. In addition, it is alkalising to the body which helps the kidneys by giving it one less job to do.

Baking Soda

Studies show that common sodium bicarbonate helps in slowing down the process of chronic kidney disease. The substance achieves this due to its capability to neutralize the acidity of the blood.


In many ethnobotanical traditions, corn cob tassels have been used in treating urinary and kidney infections, eliminating edema (symptom of kidney disease) and treating edema.

Stress management

Because your kidneys are anatomically next to the “stress glands” known as the adrenal glands, the kidneys are very much impacted by stress.

Therefore performing stress relieving exercises or techniques greatly improves kidney health. Some examples are: meditation, exercise, and yoga.

Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital provides patients a natural treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to reverse kidney disease.

If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you are welcomed to send email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or leave a message below.



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