
Can stage 3 CKD be Reverse By Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Kidney Disease Can be devided into 5 stages. It is hard to be find in stage 1-2. In other words, once kidney disease patients be diagnosed. At least you are in stage 3 CKD. So you are very lucky. If your disease be find in stage 3 CKD. And there is a question occur, can stage 3 CKD be reversed?

I think you can through the following way to improve your kidney function.
Diet Suggestion

In stage 3 kidney disease, you should consume high-quality protein. The National Institutes of Health recommends that daily protein intake be about 1 gram for each kilogram of body weight. Most complete proteins -- proteins that contain all nine essential amino acids -- come from animal sources such as eggs, meat and dairy, although soy and quinoa are complete proteins as well.
Damage to bones begins in stage 2 of kidney disease.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney failure

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.During this therapy we mainly take the Traditional Chinese medicine osmotherapy. We choose the herbs according to your detailed body condition, and blend them together sufficiently. Then we compress the powder of the herbs on your kidney area, transmitting the element to your kidney by the electromagnetic wave.

If you want to learn more the treatment of CKD. You can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.



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