
Causes and treatment for Kidney Failure with Shortness of Breath

Kidney Failure will lead to many side effect like shortness of breath, edema, fatigue. Here is a patient story about a kidney failure patients with shortness of breath. I can’t asleep very quickly because of my disease. I suffer from shortness of breath now because of my kidney disease. The following content will tell you the cause and treatment for kidney failure patients with high creatinine level.

Causes of kidney failure with shortness of breath

Trouble catching your breath can be related to the kidneys in two ways. First, extra fluid in the body can build up in the lungs. And second, anemia (a shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells) can leave your body oxygen-starved and short of breath.

Shortness of breath in kidney failure treatment

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a conservative therapy without pumping fluid or relieving pressure. It is a kind of external application on the back. The Chinese medicine are micronized into one thousandths of its original size. With the action of the microwave, the medicine will permeate into the renal lesions directly through the skin and channels. We use Micro-Chinese Medicine to expand blood vessels, speed up blood circulation on cysts walls, and improve the permeability of the cysts thus making the cysts shrink and decrease. It will restrain the proliferation of the epithelial cells, so the secretion of cyst liquid will be reduced. When the internal pressure of the cyst declined, the size of the cyst will gradually become smaller, thus relieving the compression of the tissues around, improving microcirculation, and blocking the progressing of renal fibrosis. Besides, the cysts are not easy to recur after disappearance, and the symptoms will thoroughly disappear. The kidney function will also be better.

If you want to know the detailed information about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.



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