
How to treat kidney stones caused by polycystic kidney disease?

How to treat kidney stones caused by polycystic kidney disease? Many people ask this question. Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, if the diet do not pay attention, or not treated or not treated properly, it may lead to other complications, including kidney stones is one of them. Many people know that kidney stones in the kidney parts means long stone, but patients often suffer severe back pain. So, how to treat polycystic kidney failure caused it?

Next, we should first understand what is polycystic kidney disease. Polycystic kidney disease is a distortion, expansion of the renal tubules evolved, only a small portion of one or both cyst and the little tube with communication, so the cyst covered by squamous epithelium cells secrete cystic fluid can not be properly discharged, resulting in cyst volume increasing oppression caused by localized renal nephron obstruction, thus affecting renal function. Polycystic kidney disease more associated with multiple stones, back pain usually presents clinically general, protein and occult blood, renal anemia and other symptoms appear in the urine, even seen an increase in renal tubular dysfunction concentrated nocturia. Calculus volume increases, causing urinary tract obstruction, causing hydronephrosis, long-term water will lead to increased pressure in kidney, renal pelvis dilatation, renal parenchyma atrophy, culminating in renal insufficiency. Therefore, the treatment of polycystic kidney disease is equally important.

So, how to reduce polycystic kidney stones caused it?

1. Drink plenty of water, increase water intake.

Water can dilute the urine and prevents a high concentration of salts and minerals accumulate into a stone. Suitable water intake is to reach one day row 2 liters of urine, even if adequate. If you work all day in the hot sun, you need to drink two gallons of water.

2. Multi-activities.

People do not love the activity tends to deposition of calcium in the blood. Exercise helps the bones of calcium flow which it belongs. Do not wait for the day the formation of stones, should be to walk outdoors or doing sports.

3. Do not eat foods rich in oxalate.

About 60 percent of the stones belonging to calcium oxalate stones. Therefore, it should limit intake of oxalate-rich foods.

4. Supplementary cellulose.

Eat more foods rich in fiber, such as bran, can prevent the occurrence of stones.

5. Control intake of calcium.

Stones in 20% of calcium or calcium-containing products formed.

Polycystic kidney stones caused by how to treat it? These are the measures that you can help relieve pain. For more efficient and thorough treatment of kidney stones and polycystic kidney disease, micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy is a good choice. This therapy can degrade kidney stones, kidney damage repair, a fundamental treatment of kidney stones and polycystic kidney disease. If you want a detailed understanding of this therapy, you can consult our online doctors for free or at the bottom of the message, we will promptly reply to you.



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