
How to treat PKD with Natural Chinese Herb Medicine

In Western World Shrink kidney cysts for Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD) patient just can depend on surgery or kidney transplant. These two treatments both have risk.

And in other hand surgery for PKD patient just can remove the big cysts. The small cysts can't be remove. With the time goes by. The small cysts will grow bigger gradually. So surgery just can relieve the symptoms of PKD patient momentarily.

At another hand, If you want to do kidney transplant. the source of kidneys can be a big problem.

How to treat PKD with natural Chinese herb medicine

The disease is hereditary polycystic kidney disease, and is more obvious family genetic history, the current medical condition we have not been able to completely solve it, we need to do now, I would recommend that he must find a better point of Chinese medicine to use some drugs and kidneys. Based on our experience, we often use some drugs and kidneys, later, you can improve his quality of life, or quality of life, and the renal function can delay kidney function to, for example, the time delay kidney failure, some people might eventually to achieve, in the end there will be some uremia, we can delay with some medicine after this time, this time will be very long pull, there are some patients in clinical practice, we looked at some of these patients, there is no better way . There is also a recommended usual diet must not drink, this is not to say or not to reduce, and must not drink, do not eat spicy things, do not eat seafood.

If you want to know more about the natural treatment for PKD. Can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.



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