
Can Patients with PKD Drink Wine

Can Patients with PKD Drink Wine ?
Polycystic kidney disease is a natural kidney disorders - the presence of a large number of cysts in the kidneys. These cysts to expand a lot of pressure around the kidney tissue, so as to cause renal ischemia and hypoxia, hypertension, renal missing. Control hypertension in patients with polycystic most difficult step, because high blood pressure can worsen the condition. Drinking causes high blood pressure, so as to cause the blood pressure is difficult to control.

Alcohol itself will cause damage to the kidneys. It increases the accumulation of proteinuria in kidney, excess urea nitrogen causes the kidneys to work harder together. In the later stages of polycystic kidney disease, the kidneys can not form a hormone, which promotes red blood cell formation. It will cause the patient's ischemia.

Now, there are many studies have shown that alcohol is strongly stimulate the body's kidneys, stimulate the growth of the kidneys, so that polycystic kidney disease in patients with chronic drinking is tantamount to suicide. In addition, there are other side effects in patients with polycystic kidney disease, which has the following side effects:

1, if the patient regularly drink, they will appear platelet dysfunction, anemia is one of the symptoms

2, drinking can also cause digestive aspects of the disease, resulting in malnutrition.

3, drink an excessive amount of missing reception causing cell combined water and muscle metabolism creatine can cause elevated creatinine.

4, alcohol substance capable of generating an acid that causes acidosis, these patients will bring loss of appetite, depression and headache problems.

5, drinking can also affect the body's nitrogen balance in the blood, which will increase the burden on the kidneys.

6, drinking can also cause the patient's hypertension, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, these diseases will increase in patients with polycystic kidney disease.

7, the alcohol will cartridge gastrointestinal system disorders.

In order to prevent disease progression in patients with polycystic kidney disease patients is not recommended to drink,



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