
Can Kidney Failure Transfusion

Anemia in patients with renal anemia and other different, mainly due to prolonged patient with chronic renal failure, the kidneys produce erythropoietin, erythropoietin decreased at the same time, retention poisons remain in the body not only suppress red blood cell production and destruction of the red cell membrane , accelerated erythrocyte death.

In addition, there erythropoiesis inhibitors and other toxic substances that have been less of erythropoietin has been suppressed, it is difficult to play a role in blood.

Plus many patients with long-term anorexia, diarrhea, easy to cause the body iron, folic acid, protein and other nutrients caused by the lack of severe anemia.

Such transfusions for anemia alone is useless.

If the patient is not to lose fresh blood, but blood stored in the refrigerator, inside red blood cells after death decomposition may aggravate metabolites accumulate nitrogen species to the already weak kidneys work has been added to the burden.



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