
How to treat constipation for kidney failure patient?

Constipation is one of featured symptoms of kidney failure. There are many patient want to avoid this symptoms because this symptom have confused many kidney failure patient. It have influenced the life of patient seriously.
General still can use diet, such as mung bean porridge, porridge Sanren, astragalus porridge. Usually eat more crude fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, drinking water, it is best to drink a glass of salt water every morning, stimulate the intestine peristalsis and is conducive to defecation, but also pay attention to maintaining a good mood.

Kidney failure with constipation treatment

In other hand our hospital adopt the combination of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine to improve kidney function and reached the influence of kidney failure.

If you have any questions want to consult about relieve the symptoms of kidney failue can send email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. Best wishes!



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