
The Best Treatment for Child Nephrotic Syndrome in China

Nephrotic syndrome is also called nephrosis. These two terms describe a condition in which the kidneys leak large and abnormal amounts of protein into the urine. When protein is lost in the urine, this leads to puffiness or swelling (edema), often of the eyelids, feet and ankles, and eventually the abdomen.

If left untreated, this can lead to problems with breathing, eating and infections.

The exact cause of nephrotic syndrome is not known and it cannot be prevented. However, research into this condition is ongoing and researchers are trying to develop increasingly effective treatments. What we do know is that nephrotic syndrome is usually caused by an imbalance, from time to time, of the body’s immune system. This imbalance causes certain chemicals to disturb the filters of the kidneys. These filters begin to allow proteins to leak into the urine.
All the successful treatments for nephrotic syndrome work on the immune system in some way. Many, but not all, attacks of nephrotic syndrome are brought on by something that stimulates the immune system, such as a cold, flu or other infection.

When a child is first diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome, the doctors will usually prescribe steroid drugs such as prednisone or prednisolone. The kinds of steroids used to treat nephrotic syndrome are not the same as the anabolic steroids that are sometimes abused by athletes.

Most children respond very well to steroid drug treatment. Usually, within one to two weeks the protein in the urine disappears and the swelling in the tissues goes away. This stage is called remission. A child that responds to steroids (steroid sensitive nephrotic syndrome) by going into remission is usually thought to have a clinical diagnosis of minimal change disease. Minimal change disease usually has a good prognosis.

There is a very small group of children who do not respond to steroid treatment (steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome), who continue to have lots of protein leaking into their urine, or who show serious adverse effects from prednisone. These children may require other treatments prescribed by their nephrologist.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy takes great effects to slow down kidney damage and protect the residual kidney function. Only by this way, Nephrotic Syndrome can be relived fundamentally.

If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or leave a message below.



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