
Can IgA Nephropathy be Cured

If you happen to be someone with IgA Nephropathy. You are welcomed to send email to talk it with our online doctor directly.

IgA nephropathy can be considered as a kind of immune disease which are thought to be difficult to treat. Well, is it really difficult to treat? And is the conventional therapies effective? How about the prognosis of IgA nephropathy?
First, can IgA nephropathy be cured? Well, it is thought that the prognosis for IgA nephropathy for different patients is different from one to another. And some patients’s condition can be totally relieved and about 15%-40% patients without proper treatment advance to chronic kidney failure. In clinical practices, treating symptoms is usually applied to patients with IgA nephropathy disease rather than treating root causes, that’s why conventional therapies can not meet patients’ expectations.

And conventionally, western medicine for anti-inflammation and hematuria is applied for patients with this kind of disease. However, the pathological changes in mesangial cells are not repaired, that’s why this disease relapses from time to time.

It is proven to be effective to treat IgA nephropathy with traditional Chinese herb medicine and other traditional Chinese medicine therapies prescribed according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and that of immunology. It is applied externally at lower back of kidney patients to relieve the ischemia and anoxia condition inside the kidneys, protect and repair the survived kidney functional cells, which treat this problem from root causes.

However, different patients have different constitutions and specific syndromes, accordingly, there is specific prescriptions. If you want to get specific treatment plan, please send email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or leave a message below. We will reply you as soon as possible.



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