
Nephrotic Syndrome with Swollen Legs ,what should I Do ?

Nephrotic Syndrome is a kidney disease that include many common symptoms. And swollen leg is often occur in nephrotic syndrome patients. Do you want to know how to eliminate this symptoms naturally ? Read the following content find out the answer .

What is Nephrotic Syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a problem in which excessive amounts of protein are found in the urine. The Mayo Clinic says specific symptoms include swelling of the ankles, feet or face. The legs can also be affected. Nephrotic syndrome also causes weight gain and a urine that appears foamy in the toilet (this is protein).

Cause of Nephrotic Syndrome

Destruction of the blood vessels in the kidneys can lead to nephrotic syndrome. Other causes of nephrotic syndrome include amyloidosis, a condition in which proteins called amyloids build up in the organs; diabetic kidney disease; and minimal change disease, a kidney disorder found in children.

Treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome

Nowadays many person will choose Chinese Medicine to remove the all symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome . There are a efficient therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy .This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and have no side effect to the body . 

If you want to know more about this therapy or if you have any questions about your kidney disease .Don't hesitate contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com . I'm glad to help you solve your problem .Best wishes ! 



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