
Natural treatment to lower high creatinine 4.2 for FSGS patients

FSGS is a progressive form of kidney disease. It is a cause of nephrotic syndrome in children and adolescents, as well as an important cause of kidney failure in adults.Creatinine 4.9 is more higher than the normal value . It indicate you already in stage 4 kidney disease .And it indicate a big damaged of your kidneys . But don't lose hope . If you can treat your disease use the right method . stage 4 kidney failure will not become worse .

Diet suggestion for patients with FSGS 

Patients with FSGS should have a low protein diet. Because creatinine is found to mostly exist in rich protein food, for example meat. However, they can have more intake of high quality protein food such as fish, milk. High quality protein can produce few wastes and supply essential amino acid. And they should have a low salt diet. Because high blood pressure is a common complication of FSGS. High blood pressure does harm to kidney function, leading to more severe edema and high creatinine level. Finally, due to edema, they should limit water or fluids.

Treatment for FSGS 

You can choose Hot Compress Therapy to treat your disease . This disease is based on Traditional Chinese therapy. 

The externally used feature is among its advantages. The effects it might achieve can not be matched with the western treatments. It could clear away the pathogenic factors by recovering the main qi.
After taking it for serious times, you can observe obvious alternation in your system. The urine volume is going to be increased and symptoms including itchy skin, muscle cramps, fatigue is usually relieved. Your current physical condition can be greatly improved.

if you still have some question want to consult. Chat with our on line doctor at below. Or send an e-mail to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com .



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