
The prevention purpura kidney inflammation

The prevention purpura kidney inflammation

Although nephritis in our lives are not common, but definitely not therefore underestimate it, because it is likely to allow a repeat accidentally nephritis, which is a huge patient harm. Physician specialists coming to take measures to prevent nephritis

Routine and preventive measures purpura nephritis

College inflammation attention to rest and avoid fatigue, mood swings and avoid mental stimulation. Prevent insect bites. Remove allergens as possible.

To prevent a recurrence, patients have recovered after a course of treatment should be committed to the promotion

Conditioning food, nephritis with based on blood diet should be light, the staple food is maize flour and rice basis, and pasta, eat more fruits and vegetables and eat flavor throat obesity, products hot, to prevent heat buildup in the digestive tract; The pair had the sensitivity and the incidence of food such as fish and shrimp, seafood, and so it should be an absolute contraindication Qi Qi Qi Yang to stop the bleeding. Blood stasis circulation of goods available

Warmth and prevent colds. Control and prevention of infection, and when there is a clear choice sensitive foci of infection or antibiotics, but must avoid prophylactic use of antibiotics blind.

Diet, mostly because of the sensitivity purpura caused by allergens that, should the fasting raw onions and raw garlic and pepper, wine and other spicy food; meat, seafood, and must avoid contact with allergens pollen and other

Conditioning of life, regular physical exercise to enhance physical fitness and prevention of colds; positive foci prevent upper respiratory tract infection cleared; possible to identify allergens. Severe bleeding and patients should limit activities



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