
How to Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease by Chinese Medicine

How to Treat Polycystic Kidney Disease by Chinese Medicine 
Bubble kidney is a hereditary kidney disease, kidney bubbles large number of patients with renal cysts, and cysts were increased, and thus damage the kidneys gradually until the patient enters kidney failure.

Bubble kidney is unable to be self-healing, but this progress has been slow kidney disease, so from the onset to enter uremia go through a very long process. In this process, all aspects of the risk factors faced by the patient to control and treat them effectively, will be very effective in slowing down the development of renal cysts.

Western medicine, the initial due cyst is small, and small cysts will not have kidney damage, it will not take any action treatment. When the seed capsule is greater than 3 cm, it will take control of surgical methods. And when patients entered uremia, dialysis patients will or a kidney transplant.

In comparison, Chinese medicine treatment of renal bubble more effective.

Clinical results have demonstrated that many traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of kidney useful bubble. In addition, the micro-penetration of traditional Chinese medicine therapy in the treatment of kidney disease is a very effective treatment.

Micro-Chinese Medicine infiltration therapy is a combination of modern medical technology and traditional Chinese medicine. First, according to the patient's condition will give appropriate drugs, and through high technology heavy Chinese medicines crushed into powder, then the drug directly to the patient ward penetration through high-tech technology to avoid oral medications lead to time-consuming, Efficacy disadvantage susceptible. And this therapy dilation of blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting, kidney degradation of extracellular matrix effect.

Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy in the treatment of kidney bubble, effective drugs that can be sent to the kidneys, and then will be inactivated in epidermal cells, thereby inhibiting the secretion of cyst fluid, thereby preventing the growth of cysts. Micro-Chinese Medicine therapy vasodilator effect, can increase the permeability of the cyst surface of the blood circulation, so back to the absorption of cyst fluid, and then through the human metabolism excreted through the urine.

In addition, Micro-Chinese Medicine in the active substance can provide kidney repair repair substances, such as vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, etc., thus speeding up the repair of damaged kidney tissue.



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