
Lower creatinine and BUN naturally

BUN and Creatinine are measurements of toxins in your blood stream. I started this website because I have suffered from these problems after a long history of substance abuse in my life mixed in with poor genetics in the circulatory system based on family members’ history. In starting this website, my idea was to try and share some of the experiences that I had with others who may be having similar problems, specifically with high blood pressure (hypertension) and chronic renal disease.

I have experimented with various over the counter supplement products and I can tell you a nice little combination that worked for me to help lower my BUN and Creatinine proportionately at the same time. I began taking, with the advice of my doctor, and after doing lab work, digestive enzymes mixed with a small amount of my favorite label of probiotics or “good” bacteria. The next time that I did blood work, I had noticed that my Creatinine and BUN measurements had dropped a few points each. This was a miracle because I had tried many other options with not great results.


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy to treat one's kidney disease.Because this therapy is one of innovative therapy . Because this therapy combined Chinese herbs with Western Machine .

Do you have interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ? Consult me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



On Line doctor