
Food to Avoid in PKD Patients

PKD is one of genetic disease . And it is more difficulty for patients to treat it than other kidney disease . So we should pay more attention to the diet of PKD avoid exacerbation .
1. Improper diet
Suffer from hunger or starvation will lead to malnutrition, overeat will affect the digestive function of spleen and stomach, leading to obstacle of blood circulation, eat too much fatty food and sweets will build-up internal heat.
2. Unhygienic food
Unhygienic food can induce gastrointestinal disease, some PKD patients will have poisoning or even end up dead in severe case.
3. Dietary bias
One of the most important fundamental theories of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is "four natures" including "cold", "cool", "warm"and "hot", which is a summary of clinical experiences. “Cold” and “hot” food will hurt spleen and stomach, long-term dietary bias is harmful to the body internally.
4. Acrid food
Such as pepper, liquor, smoke(including passive smoking), chocolate, coffee, sea-fish, shrimp, crab, etc.
5. Food with stronger flavors
Such as pickled foods and barbecue food.
6. Food rich in protein
PKD patients should limit the intake of protein, eat less high protein food such as chicken, duck, fish, meat. Avoid vegetable protein.

Treatments of PKD

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of efficient therapy for PKD. This therapy can shrink cyst naturally .And this therapy can inhibit the growth of cyst . 

Have any questions ? Contact me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .  



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