
Why dialysis patients experience stomach pain

Why dialysis patients experience stomach pain

Although dialysis can replace diseased kidneys to filter blood, it is still not easy to live with kidney ella.La most patients on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis may experience different side effects patients, and stomach pain is only one of these problems.

Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are two common types of hemodialysis diálisis.La uses the theory of the semipermeable membrane to clean the blood, while peritoneal dialysis uses the peritoneum to remove waste products, toxins and excess fluid from the body .During this process, stomach pain occurs easily.

How hemodialysis cause stomach pain?

Hemodialysis can help filter excess liquid and metabolic waste from the blood, but can induce electrolyte disorder in gastrointestinal.Luego tract, patients suffering from nausea, vomiting and stomach pain fácilmente.Además, if dialysis may not work properly, excess fluid accumulates in the body which is another cause of stomach pain for hemodialysis patients.

How peritoneal dialysis works cause stomach pain?

If patients on peritoneal dialysis have stomach pain, the most common reason is the peritonitis.Debido to peritoneal dialysis uses the peritoneum of the patient and dialysis membrane to filter the blood, patients are at high risk of peritonitis, which It is an infection where the catheter is in the abdomen.Esta infection can cause nausea, vomiting, fever and pain estómago.Las other causes of stomach pain for patients with peritoneal dialysis is just the same with that of patients in hemodialysis.

In this article, we learned why dialysis patients suffering from stomach pain fácilmente.Si is also tormented by this problem, you should find first what makes your stomach ache and then take appropriate steps to relieve your pain .

Any questions about the content or treatments above? You can send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com . Many kidney experts are always here to help you improve your health.



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