
Creatinine level 7.8 What should I do without Dialysis

Creatinine level 7.8 What should I do without Dialysis


Q: I am suffering from end-stage renal disease with creatinine level 7.8 without diálisis.Podría you please advise what to do to treat my illness? Thanks in advance.

A: Hello, Sir / Madam, we see and feel to know that you are suffering creatinine below 7.8 without diálisis.A advice for your reference is made. I hope it really helps!

His creatinine level diagnostics 7.8 indicates that became the final stage renal disease with the loss of most of the function renal.En this point, the kidneys can not function properly to sustain life. Immediate treatment should be adopted as soon as possible to stop the continuous worsening of the disease.

Currently, the most advanced treatment for their condition is Blood Therapy Contaminación.Como comprehensive treatment, this option aims at treating kidney disease root cause by cleaning the blood, protection and remaining improving renal function, and regulating the body's immune system.

The whole process of treatment of Blood Pollution Therapy includes threes parts, called remove blood stasis, Supplement elements necessary for the blood to repair damaged kidneys and greatly increase global.Siempre renal function and when the kidney's ability can increase to 15% or even higher, you can successfully avoid dialysis and have a normal life long.

If you are interested in getting tested for Blood Pollution Therapy, please leave a message in the section below or email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com 

Still you have questions about managing your creatinine level 7.8 without dialysis? Please feel free to let us know. We are always here to help. Have a good day!



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