
The Treatment for Stage 4 Diabetic Nephropathy

What is the treatment for stage 4 Diabetic Nephropathy? Most of patients are eager to know this? If you want to know this, please read on or contact our online doctor directly.

Diabetic nephropathy -- kidney disease that results from diabetes -- is the number one cause of kidney failure. Almost a third of people with diabetes develop diabetic nephropathy.

People with diabetes and kidney disease do worse overall than people with kidney disease alone. This is because people with diabetes tend to have other long-standing medical conditions, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and blood vessel disease (atherosclerosis). People with diabetes also are more likely to have other kidney-related problems, such as bladder infections and nerve damage to the bladder.

Kidney disease in type 1 diabetes is slightly different than in type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes, kidney disease rarely begins in the first 10 years after diagnosis of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, some patients already have kidney disease by the time they are diagnosed with diabetes.

Lowering blood pressure and maintaining blood sugar control are absolutely necessary to slow the progression of diabetic nephropathy. Some medicines called angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors can help slow down the progression of kidney damage. Although ACE inhibitors -- including ramipril (Altace), quinapril (Accupril) , and lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril) -- are usually used to treat high blood pressure and other medical problems, they are often given to people with diabetes to prevent complications, even if their blood pressure is normal.

If a person has side effects from taking ACE inhibitors, another class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) can often be given instead.

If not treated, the kidneys will continue to fail and larger amounts of proteins can be detected in the urine. Advanced kidney failure requires treatment with dialysis or a kidney transplant.

Diabetic Nephropathy is should be treated with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. This is a treatment used externally. The main materials in this therapy are Chinese herbs and then they are refined into powder and then collected into two medicated bags which are put on patients’ low back area. With the help of osmotic machine, the active substances can come out and then penetrate into kidney lesions directly.

Do you want to know more details about the natural treatment, if so, please send email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or leave a message below. We will try our best to help you.



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