
Life Span of Stage 5 Kidney Disease

life span of stage 5 kidney disease
Kidney disease can be divided into 5 stages. Stage 5 can also be called End Stage Kidney Disease. Many kidney disease patient want to know how long can stage 5 kidney disease patient live. The following content is the answer.

Life span of stage 5 kidney disease

Dialysis or kidney transplant seems like the only way to prolong the life span for stage 5 kidney disease. But Dialysis just a way to instead of kidneys to work can’t improve the kidney function. But in End Stage Renal Disease Dialysis is necessary. Once you stop dialysis or not start dialysis in timely with the more and more toxin in the body the patient will in the high risk of the life.

Kidney transplant is the ideal way to cure kidney disease. But it is difficult to find out the suitable kidney donors. And this operation have risk in some degree.
So Chinese Medicine have become the choice of the most kidney disease patient. The combination of dialysis and Chinese Medicine had be called the efficient way in the treatment of kidney disease.In our hospital there also have many example about the patient get rid of dialysis because of the application of the Chinese Medicine.

If you want to know the detailed information about the Chinese Medicine to treat the kidney disease can send an email to chinesemedicinekidney@hotmail.com. I will reply you in 24 hours. Best wishes!



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