
Can Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome Drink yogurt ?

Yogurt that everyone likes, especially children, yogurt helps gastrointestinal motility, promoting digestion, a good choice for patients with constipation, gastrointestinal tract, kidney patients for that yogurt drink?
? First, nephrotic syndrome, experts say it could yogurt: Yogurt nephrotic syndrome or drink on, that yogurt potassium content more unfavorable renal metabolism.
Second, nephrotic syndrome, dietary considerations
1, Yi Shi usual digestible food, avoid seafood, beef, lamb, spicy foods, alcohol and all fat objects such as: Spiced aniseed, coffee, coriander, etc.; especially in patients with deficiency such as: red tongue, pulse flood large, night sweats, dry stool, hematuria embolism; but patients yang, such as: pale tongue white, pulse, body cold limbs, then thin, edible hot foods.
2, Yi Shi novelty and the amount of fruits and vegetables, adequate water; eat all supplements, tonics and easy to get angry foods such as: chili, lychee, chocolate and so on. Exceptionally yin deficiency such as purple tongue, pulse delay, chest tightness, abdominal distension in patients with blood disorders.
3, all kidney patients disabled neomycin, streptomycin, gentamicin, and auto-immune manshuriensis injection.
4, uremic patients maintain smooth stool, daily defecation 2 ∽ 3 times should be appropriate, not stay up late, restrained sex life, pay attention to rest, escape the cold.

Nephrotic Syndrome treatments

Do you heard Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy ? If you are in early stage of kidney disease this therapy can reserve one's conditions efficiently .Have any questions contact me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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