
High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease

If one person has a long term of high blood pressure . The person may occur Kidney disease . The following content will tell you the main reason Why High blood Pressure can cause Kidney Disease . Follow me and find out the efficient therapy of Hypertensive Nephropathy .

In most common cases, the specific cause of high blood pressure is unknown. In some cases, high blood pressure can be caused by kidney problems. The kidneys produce an enzyme called renin that helps control blood pressure. If the kidneys are not working as they should, they may release too much renin, which raises blood pressure. High blood pressure can also be caused by abnormalities in the main blood vessel leaving the heart, sleep apnea or narrowing arteries. In women, birth control pills, as well as hormones taken after menopause, can cause high blood pressure. High blood pressure can also be genetic.

How does high blood pressure hurt your kidneys?

High blood pressure makes your heart work harder. It can also damage blood vessels throughout your body. High blood pressure is especially harmful to the tiny blood vessels in your body, such as the ones in your kidneys. If the blood vessels in your kidneys are damaged, your kidneys may not effectively remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. The extra fluid in your blood vessels may then raise your blood pressure even more.
High blood pressure is the second leading causes of kidney failure, also called end stage renal disease (ESRD), in the U.S. People with kidney failure must either receive a kidney transplant or go on dialysis. High blood pressure causes more than 25,000 new cases of kidney failure in the United States each year according to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NKUDIC).

How can I prevent high blood pressure from damaging my kidneys?

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) recommends that people with kidney disease use whatever therapy is necessary, including lifestyle changes and medicine, to keep their blood pressure at or below 130/80.

Also, if your kidneys are not working properly, your doctor may find protein in your urine. This means that your kidneys are filtering out the protein that you need for healthy growth of the body as waste. If you have a lot of protein in your urine, it is recommended that your blood pressure be lowered to a maximum of 125/75.

Treatments of Hypertensive Nephropathy 

First step to treat Hypertensive Nephropathy is to angiectasis and promote blood circulation .Second step is to block the process of renal fibrosis . The third step is to anticoagulation .And the last step is to restore the Renal inherent cells . Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can make the  blood vessels to dilate first. And it can  restore the Renal inherent cells at last .

Have any questions ? Contact me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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