
Natural Remedies to Reduce High BUN and Blood Glucose Levels

Natural Remedies to Reduce High BUN and Blood Glucose Levels If you suffer from high and persistent blood glucose levels, it usually indicates diabetes. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is a blood test that can help reveal some complications of diabetes. Once high levels of BUN and blood glucose are produced, some natural remedies are needed to reduce them.

In the clinic, blood urea nitrogen level is generally used to indicate kidney condition. If it is greater than 20 mg / dl, it is more likely to show more than 50% of renal function has been lost. In addition, dehydration and diabetic acidosis are also two common high-level causes of BUN-related diabetes. For diabetes, blood sugar levels rise easily if well controlled.

Based on the causes, we give the following natural remedies to high levels of BUN and blood sugar.

1. Modifying diet and lifestyle

In addition to medications for diabetes, food therapy and a healthy lifestyle also plays an important role in controlling diabetes. In addition, blood urea nitrogen is the terminal product of protein metabolism. Therefore, you need to develop a low-protein, low-sugar or even sugar-free diet, and do mild exercise, such as walking regularly.

2. medicated bathroom

With the guidance of medical professionals, patients can use this therapy conveniently at home. First of all, doctors should prescribe some herbal medicines according to the condition of the patients' illness. Then diabetics can add these medications in their bath water so that the effective ingredients can penetrate into their body through the skin. The key to this therapy is to receive appropriate medicines, so you can consult the online doctor about the herbs that you can use.

3. Hot compress therapy

This natural remedy is applied externally, so it does not cause any side effects. Because it can help improve blood circulation throughout the body, keep the internal environment stable and increase the rate of glomerular filtration, this remedy is worthy of a try to eliminate more urea and regulate the blood sugar level.

These three remedies can in fact do a lot for patients with high bun and blood glucose levels, but the premise is to receive correctly. If you have any questions, please send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or leave a message below.



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