
High creatinine and high blood glucose

High creatinine and high blood glucose Diabetes is characterized by high glucose levels and patients often find that their blood creatinine is also elevated after years of diabetes. High creatinine means that kidney functions are affected and high blood glucose is the most likely cause of kidney damage and high creatinine levels.

Although there may be other causes of high creatinine such as dehydration, urinary tract infection, diets or drugs, high blood glucose there is some impact on blood creatinine level.

Long-term blood glucose will damage blood capillaries in the kidneys and hinder blood circulation so that functional kidney cells can not have sufficient blood supply, oxygen and other necessary nutrients. Long-term ischemia and hypoxia will cause these functional cells to be damaged and lose their own functions. As a result, metabolic wastes and toxins such as creatinine, urea, uric acid can not be excreted properly or efficiently from the kidneys and blood.

High blood glucose control through diets and drugs.It is often the first step to bring blood sugar under control first to avoid further damage to the kidneys and to protect residual kidney functions.Take regular control of your blood sugar before and after meals and to make a well-planned diet and treatment plan under the doctor and dietitian guidance and help.

High levels of blood glucose is often accompanied by high blood pressure which elevates even more creatinine level, so it is very important to have early prevention and early treatment in case of high blood pressure.

Even when high glucose is controlled, high creatinine can not be lowered. This is because kidney damage has been caused and kidney functions have been affected, therefore patients need to seek effective treatment to repair damaged renal tissues early before it is irreversible. Micro-Medicine China osmo therapy can help lower high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels and high serum creatinine level. And since it can repair damaged kidney functional cells, the relapse rate is very low.

Above mentioned about high creatinine and high blood glucose, if you are interested in our articles, please continue to pay attention to us! We have articles on various kidney diseases, including causes, symptoms, treatments, diets and gyms. information.If you have any problems, you can consult our experts online, send us a kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com, or leave message below!



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