
What Creatinine level require dialysis?

Dialysis can be said an efficient way to clear the toxin in the body. But the long term dialysis means the kidney don’t need work. So the kidney well lose kidney function gradually. So many patient don’t want to start dialysis. But in some degree dialysis is necessary. So the question is occur what creatinine level require for kidney failure patients?

What creatinine level require dialysis?

This question don’t have the right answer. There are many person creatinine level had readched 8, but they don’t need start dialysis. What is the answer? Because dialysis is a machine to instead kidney to clear the toxin in the body. Even the creatinine level in the body very high but there aren’t obvious symptoms in the kidney disease patient. It can said dialysis is not necessary. So if you don’t start dialysis now, I want to say you are very lucky. Because in our hospital we may be can improve your kidney function through the innovation therapy. These therapy can improve kidney function directly. So the toxin will be cleared by the kidneys of yourself.

The natural therapy in our hospital include Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath therapy, Foot Bath therapy. Have any questions? Send an email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com. We will reply you in 24 hours.



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