
The Common Treatment for Renal Failure

Renal failure is the third stage of renal insufficiency, the patients’ kidney has entered the period of fibrosis, so patients should receive treatment as soon as possible. During the period of treatment, patients should avoid following mistakes.

1. Stop taking hypotensive drugs after the blood pressure under control
Chronic renal failure is usually complicated with hypertension, which will accelerate the process of renal damage, so that control the blood pressure can retard the disease. The therapeutic principle in the patients with hypertension is Long-term use of hypotensive drugs, even the blood pressure have under control.

2. Hypertensive nephropathy patients only satisfied with normal blood pressure
Some hypertensive nephropathy patients only satisfied with normal blood pressure, actually it is not a correct concept. For the chronic renal failure patients, they should not only control their blood pressure, but reduce high pressure within the glomeruli to protect their kidney.

3. Mere take traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine can treat the disease at the root pathogeny, while western medicine can control the symptoms of renal failure, combine with both of them will achieve the best therapeutic effect of renal failure.

4. The diet should be limited as strictly as possible
Most of the chronic renal failure patients should limit their diet to cooperate medicine therapy, but it dose not mean that the patients should be limited as strictly as possible, patients also need to supplement a variety of vitamins and nutrient. The salt and protein intake are the points needed concern.
Renal failure patients need to learn more knowledge about the disease to avoid making mistakes.

If you want to know more details about the natural treatments, please send email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or leave a message below.



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