
How to prevent the heredity of PKD?

PKD is a kind of genetic kidney disease. This disease will be found in 30 generally. So Many PKD patients want to know how to prevent the heredity of PKD. The following content will give you some suggestions.

1. The physical examination before marriage is very important, through B Ultrasound can check whether the person have PKD or not.
2. After the PKD patients get pregnancy for 10 weeks, they can check the cysts gene from the amniotic fluid or hair cells. Molecular genetics check can help the parents to choose a healthy baby to birth.
From the perspective of giving good birth, the current medical technology can help the patient to have a healthy baby. As long as the patients pay more attention on some things, they will not inherit the disease to the next generation.

In addition, parents should pay more attention to the children with PKD, such as do the medical test regularly, know the body change in time, have low-salt diet, supply the good-protein food, etc.

PKD treatment 

The traditional treatment for PKD is to adopt the surgery, however, the surgery only can remove the big kidney cysts, and the small kidney cysts will become bigger after the surgery. What’s more, the surgery will damage the kidney function of the patients.

In our hospital, we mainly use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to shrink the kidney cyst for PKD patients.

If you want to know the detailed information about our treatment. Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.



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