
The Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease

The Symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease 
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, the patient's cysts gradually increased, and in this process, the patient will slowly damage the kidneys, eventually leading to kidney failure patients.

Kidney for our bodies is very important organ, it can lead to physical damage to a lot of problems, causing many of the symptoms.

1. Pain: The most obvious symptom of polycystic kidney disease patients should be his pain. Initially patients will feel his pain back significantly, with the kidneys continue to increase, they can even fill the entire abdominal cavity, so patients can also suffer from abdominal pain. When the cyst increases to a certain extent, it would be likely to cause breakage due to external forces, and thus can easily be infected. The cyst rupture and infection can cause patients feel pain.

2. Hypertension: high blood pressure kidney disease patients are very easy situation. Because when oppression kidney cyst can cause renal ischemia, which leads to renin secretion, after a series of action will result in the patient's blood pressure under the influence of hormones.

3. hematuria: for polycystic kidney disease patients, hematuria is their common symptoms. Cyst rupture because the patient would be likely to cause patients with hematuria and renal structural damage as the cyst can also cause leakage of red blood cells.

4. tired: kidney function hormone secretion, which is an important hormone erythropoietin. When a patient's kidneys are destroyed cysts, this hormone secretion disorder occurs. Thereby resulting in reduced red blood cells, the patient will be renal anemia, which is the reason patients feel tired.

5. Nausea and vomiting: polycystic kidney disease patients may also feel nausea and vomiting often because a lot of factors that can lead to such symptoms. For example, kidney patients with hyperkalemia, which can cause nausea and vomiting in patients; some of the metabolic waste in the patient excessive accumulation can also lead to nausea and vomiting; when patients with digestive edema, may also be These symptoms occur.

6. muscle twitching: polycystic kidney disease patients may also be the case of muscle twitch will often appear. When patients have phosphorus metabolism disorders, hyperparathyroidism, or because of dietary restrictions, they are likely to cause the symptoms of patients with muscle twitching.

In addition, with declining renal function, polycystic kidney disease patients may also be many other symptoms, such as the mouth ammonia odor, itching, inability to concentrate, bone pain, and so on.

Finally, if you deal with polycystic kidney disease at the time have any questions, you can consult our online doctor, we will give you a detailed answer.



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