
The Causes and Treatment for PKD patients suffer from high fever and high blood pressure

PKD is can divided to ADPKD and ARPKD. And PKD is one of genetic disease. The main symptoms of PKD include include back or side pain (between the ribs and hips), tenderness around the abdomen, or a feeling of fullness. And other symptoms may include: bloody urine, kidney infections, cysts elsewhere in the body and PKD patients can also suffer from high blood pressure and high fever. Do you want to know the reason. The following content will tell you the reason.

Causes of high fever in PKD

Infections: the infection can occur in the urinary tract, renal cysts, kidneys or any part of the patient’s body. If the infection can not be effectively or timely treated, it can cause fever, chill and pains, etc.

Cyst bleeding: with continuous growth and increase, both the number and size of renal cysts will increase and they will oppress and squeeze renal tissues and surrounding organs. In turn, they are oppressed by surrounding tissues. Besides, the lack of blood supply to the blood vessels on the cyst wall will cause the cysts easy to get rupture and cause cyst bleeding.

PKD with high fever treatment 

Therefore it is necessary to first make clear the exact cause so as to have effective treatment. If treatment only aims at relieving high fever without addressing the root problem, it may delay the best period for effective treatment or even worsen illness conditions. This is because the drugs that are used to treat high fever can cause potential renal damages. Treatment for high fever caused by PKD should try to protect kidney functions at the same time of lowering high fever and treating other symptoms. Our Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can achieved restore your kidney functions.

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