
Will PKD Cause High Fever - PKD Treatment, PKD Symptoms

There is no obvious symptoms in the early stage of PKD.Many symptoms will occur with the develop of the cyst in PKD.There is the common symptom.

Pain in your back or sides
High blood pressure
Having headaches often
Urinary tract infections

Blood in your urine (called hematuria)

And many PKD patients will suffer from high fever. What is the causes and how to relieve it. Hope the following contnet will help you.

The cause of PKD patients with high fever.

Infections: the infection can occur in the urinary tract, renal cysts, kidneys or any part of the patient’s body. If the infection can not be effectively or timely treated, it can cause fever, chill and pains, etc. In case of high fever and other severe symptoms, intravenous injection of antibiotics will be needed to first bring the infection under control, stabilize illness conditions and prevent further deterioration.
Cyst bleeding: with continuous growth and increase, both the number and size of renal cysts will increase and they will oppress and squeeze renal tissues and surrounding organs. In turn, they are oppressed by surrounding tissues. Besides, the lack of blood supply to the blood vessels on the cyst wall will cause the cysts easy to get rupture and cause cyst bleeding. If the cyst is connected with the urinary tract and bladder, it will cause blood in urine, flank pain, high fever; if the ruptured cyst does not communicate with the urinary tract, patients can feel flank pain and fever.

Treatment for PKD with high fever  

Treatment for high fever caused by PKD should try to protect kidney functions at the same time of lowering high fever and treating other symptoms.There are a therapy named Micro-Chinese Medicine. In clinic we had have many successful cases in PKD fields.



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