
Cause and Treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients with Swollen Leg

Edema is one of common symptoms of Kidney Disease Patients.And this symptoms is like to occur in leg. So today I want to share with you the cause and treatment of diabetic nephropathy patients with swollen leg.

Cause of Diabetic Nephropathy with swollen leg 

1. Due to immune damage of patients′ body, permeability of the whole body′s capillary wall will increase and the fluid in plasma permeates into tissues, which leads to occurence of edema.

2. Hypoproteinemia can also cause decrease of effective blood volume. And it will secrete more secondary aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone and renal tubule will reabsorb more water and sodium, which will cause edema.

Treatment for Diabetic Nephropathy patients with swollen leg 

Swollen leg in Diabetic Nephropathy patient

We have a serious of natural treatment can relieve swelling of the legs. We called it ' Four plus Seven' TCM therapy. If you want to know our natural treatment efficient.  Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.In other hand if you have any questions about kidney disease want to consult can also consult me.



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