
Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidneys have ample function in the work of our body.If there is a problem with your kidneys,your body will occur many problems,like swelling,fatigue.The following content will tell you the answer What is the symptom of CKD.

The symptoms of kidney disease tend to appear slowly over a long period of time, so they are easily overlooked or thought to be normal responses to stress. In addition to the symptoms below you may find that you have high blood pressure.High blood pressure occurs when your blood contains more water and salt than normal, this increases the pressure in your blood vessels. You may not know you have high blood pressure but keeping your blood pressure under control is an important part of staying healthy with kidney disease.
Knowing the symptoms of kidney disease can help you recognize the problems and get proper treatment. Keep in mind that the symptoms can be signs of problems other than kidney disease, so if you experience any of the symptoms, be sure to discuss them with your doctor.

Symptom: Swelling

When kidneys are failing, excess fluid builds up in the body and can lead to a condition known as edema, which is swelling in the hands, ankles, feet, or face (especially around the eyes, when you just wake up). Fluid can also collect in the lungs, which may cause shortness of breath.

Symptoms: Weakness, fatigue, feeling cold, shortness of breath

Kidney damage can slow down production of a hormone called erythropoeitin, which leads to a low red blood cell count. This causesanemia, a common and treatable complication of kidney disease that can make you feel tired very quickly.

Symptoms: Poor concentration and trouble sleeping

Anemia can prevent your brain from getting enough oxygen, which can lead to difficulty sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and dizziness.

Symptom: Changes in urination

Your kidneys make urine, so kidney disease can cause urine to change. Urination problems include foamy or bloody urine, more or less urine than usual, a change in how often you urinate, or pressure or difficulty urinating.

Symptoms: Rash or itchy, dry skin

Kidneys remove waste from the bloodstream, so when kidneys fail, the buildup of waste in your bloodstream can cause skin rashes or severe itching.

Symptom: Metallic taste in your mouth, loss of appetite, nausea

Buildup of waste in the blood (called uremia) can make food taste different or cause bad breath, which can lead to a loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, and weight loss.

Symptom: Restless, cramped, or sore legs

Build up of waste products can cause nerve damage which may cause restless leg syndrome.

Treatment of CKD


It is reported that 85%-90% of kidney diseases result from inappropriate immune response and low immunity. The reason why we human being can be free from the attack of bacteria or virus is that we have strong immune system.
However, once our immune system is disturbed, antigens can combine antibodies easily so as to form immune complexes. These complexes can build up in any part of our body to cause damage via blood circulation. Kidney disease, such as IgA Nephropathy, Lupus Nephritis and Purpura Nephritis, occurs as a consequence of the immune complex deposition in kidney. Based on this, many kidney experts work together to create Immunotherapy in recent years.

Immunotherapy is a great alternative treatment for kidney disease especially which is due to autoimmune disease. As a combination of herbal medicines and western medicines, this therapy shows outstanding therapeutic effects on not only treating kidney disease but also regulating patients’ immune system.

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