
Can Creatinine 7.0 Be Reduced without Dialysis

The creatinine level 7.0 is higher than the normal level, belongs to stage 4 of kidney disease. Without good control, it can slip into the final stage of kidney disease. As well as a patient with kidney failure with such a high level of creatinine, it is best to take steps to curb his or her worsening illness.

How can patient's kidney failure with creatinine 7.0 stop their illness from getting worse?

As a patient with kidney failure, you can control your disease by:


You know, diet can do nothing for the repair of damaged kidney tissues but it plays an important role in protecting the kidneys from further damage, as you must make a diet plan fit under your nutritionist's construction or your doctor.

Healthy Living Habit

In fact, healthy living habits play the same role as diet. In addition, the bad habit of being will accelerate the evolution of your disease, you must pay great attention to it.


Treatment plays a key role in the control of kidney disease. As a kidney failure patient, if you can get the right treatment on time, you may have the opportunity to stop the progression of your disease, even reverse it.

As for proper treatment, I recommend Micro-Medicine Chinese osmotictherapy to patient kidney failure with high creatinine level. Because this treatment can help the patient reduce the high level of creatinine permanently by repairing the damaged kidneys and protect the kidneys from further damage.

If you want to know how to stop kidney failure get worse, you can send email to kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com or consult our doctor directly, we will do everything possible to help you.



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