
Natural treatment for Stage 3 CKD with bubble in urine and high creatinine 3.4

Bubble in urine is one of common symptoms in CKD patients. Creatinine 3.4 is much higher than the normal creatinine level (about 0.2 - 1.2 ml/dl). It can indicate you are in stage 3 CKD. This article will tell you the cause of bubble in urine for CKD patients and how to lower high creatinine level.

Cause of bubble in urine for CKD patients

Bubble in urine mean there are a lot of excess protein in the urine . It can tell you your glomerulus has a little damaged.

Is there any chance to reserve stage 3 CKD?

Stage 3 CKD is a very important period for kidney disease patients. Because if your disease continue to deteriorate, there are may occur many other complication. And the treatment will become more difficult.In stage 3 CKD, our hospital will adopt a system of treatment.It include Chinese therapy like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Cycle therapy, Acupuncture and so on.And we also will use some Western Therapy. It really achieved the combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Therapy. 

If you have any questions about all kinds of kidney disease.Or if you have interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Contact us through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com.



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