
Foods to avoid for Renal Failure Patients

The wrong diet for kidney failure patients like a timebomb.So the daily diet for kidney failure patients is very important .Today I want to share some renal failure diet suggestion – foods to avoid for renal failure patients .
Excessive salt intake makes a person retain water. Retaining water can be very dangerous for people with kidney failure, as they cannot get rid of extra fluid through urinating. Excessive salt can also lead to high blood pressure, a problem often associated with kidney failure. Chronic high blood pressure can lead to worsening of kidney failure.
One of the most dangerous foods for kidney failure patients is foods high in potassium. Potassium is filtered through the kidneys. High potassium levels can cause heart failure, dangerous heart rhythms and even sudden cardiac death. Foods high in potassium are bananas, oranges, tomatoes, dried fruits and vegetables, milk, chocolate, nuts and seeds and dairy products. Low potassium foods include apples, berries, watermelon, fresh beans, lettuce, cucumbers, onions and vanilla-flavored desserts. A renal diet should contain less than 2000 mg of potassium a day. Many salt substitutes contain potassium, so it is imperative to read labels. Chewing tobacco and snuff also contain a lot of potassium, so these products should be avoided as well.
Protein particles are some of the hardest for the kidneys to filter. The unfiltered proteins become urea, a waste product in the blood that makes renal patients very sick and must be dialyzed out to remove it. While protein is necessary for building and maintaining healthy muscle and fighting infection, it must be strictly limited. Foods high in protein include meat, poultry, eggs and milk. Fresh beans and vegetables are sources of low protein foods
At another hand the intake of fluids and  Phosphorus also shoule be concerned .

Hope the above content can help you . If you have any kidney problem (isn’t just diet problem )want to consult ? Contact me through kidneyfailuretreat@hotmail.com .



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