
PKD with High Blood Pressure and High Creatinine Level 5.4

High Blood Pressure is one of common symptoms of PKD . How to do to lower high blood pressure ? Creatinine 5.4 is very high for kidney disease patient . Do you want to lower the high creatinine level ? Read the following content to find the answer .
Today it is known that a blood pressure of 140/90, is cause for concern that one's cystic kidneys can be harmed. Elevations or spikes in PKD'rs blood pressure to 140/90 or higher can create an immediate need to lower blood pressure aggressively.
To avoid dizziness that can sometimes accompany lowered blood pressure, many have been advised to take blood pressure medication at night. Unlike other diseases, PKD'rs blood pressure is higher during the night. Many of the newer blood pressure medications by reclining will also help to increase renal perfusion or blood flowing to cystic kidneys. According to the CRISP study, decreased renal blood supply is the first sign that PKD kidneys are experiencing diminished functioning.
Blood pressure that consistently measures 100/60 - 110/70 - 120/80 will maximize the chances for prolonging cystic kidney health. By self-monitoring blood pressure we can observe the direct daily result of exercise, a low sodium diet, and a healthy lifestyle on our own blood pressure readings. This can empower PKD'rs to see if different things help to keep blood pressure lower, eventually increasing kidney functioning. With Polycystic Kidney Disease the renin output increases to the point that almost everyone has to go on blood pressure medication. Renin is triggered by a decrease in the blood supply to the kidney. Some herbs diminish kidney perfusion i.e., Kava Kava, Gingko Biloba, and Ginseng. It would be prudent to avoid such herbs.

exercise, daily walks
salt restriction, 1200 mg sodium diet
eliminate any allergic foods
drinking freshly prepared juice
eliminating sugars
weight loss
adequate Vitamin D
eliminating licorice, star anise, rosemary, hawthorne berries, and caffeine, even de-caf chocolate, tea, green tea, coffee, and cola.
Salt restriction is an effective means of maintaining low blood pressure. A retrospective study was done between dialysis centers. Those who used salt restriction had a lower incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy, fewer episodes of low blood pressure while on dialysis, and lower body weights. A recent article concludes in older individuals that perhaps colder weather contributes to high blood pressure. Cold weather also causes blood pressure to rise. A recent medical article talks about Vitamin D levels creating a disparity in Blood Pressure levels.

Is there anything additional to do to lower blood pressure ?

Of all the things I have tried far and away, salt restriction, eating a plant based diet, and daily exercise coupled with a short 1 minute burst of speed has had the biggest impact in maintaining low blood pressure at 110/70. If blood pressure starts to rise, I increase the number of times in a day when I take walks from once a day, to twice a day and sometimes even three times a day. If I remain alkaline my blood pressure remains low: I do not spill protein in my urine; and I feel better. Exercise allows the body to perspire. Through sweat some of the body's toxins are lost provided we replenish and hydrated the body with adequate water. The latest water studies are suggesting that perhaps drinking 3 liters of water a day might be sufficient to shut off vasopressin a known hormone that stimulates kidney cysts growth .

Treatment for PKD patients with high blood pressure

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is one of good choice for one's kidney disease . This therapy can lower high creatinine level naturally . And most important is that this therapy don't like surgery just can reliever symptoms momentarily .Ever worse surgery maybe can cause a quick growing of the small cyst . Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can reduce the number of the cyst . And will not release .

If you want to know more about Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy . Or if you have any kidney problem want to consult . Contact me through kidney-treatment@hotmail.com .



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